I love
OASAP and am always so happy that I'm affiliated with them. I was just browsing their site when it hit me how many clothes and jewelry and shoes I want from them! *Wipes drool off mouth* I am in serious need of some cash to blow on my every wish and desire from that store, although it's super unlikely to happen (Thanks a mil outrageous college prices). Until I become a millionaire, I'll just settle my lust for clothes by showing you all my wishlist!
I use to hate, and I mean HATE velvet anything, but I'm really starting to like it now. OASAP's Retro Velvet Pleated Skirt makes me continue liking velvet more and more and... well... more. |
Someone wanna roll my tongue back in my mouth? It fell out after I though about how good I'd look in This Dress. |
I'll take two of these magnificent Earcuffs please! |
So. Much. More. I can't fit everything onto my wish list, I just can't. To much to love<3
The red shoes! <3